Sim Yong Teng and another v Singapore Swimming Club
Judge | Sundaresh Menon CJ |
Judgment Date | 17 February 2016 |
Neutral Citation | [2016] SGCA 10 |
Docket Number | Civil Appeal No 88 of 2015 |
Hearing Date | 02 November 2015 |
Published date | 25 February 2016 |
Year | 2016 |
Plaintiff Counsel | Ragbir Singh s/o Ram Singh Bajwa (Bajwa & Co) |
Defendant Counsel | Chang Man Phing, Ng Shu Ping and Lim Wan Yu Cheronne (WongPartnership LLP) |
Citation | [2016] SGCA 10 |
Court | Court of Three Judges (Singapore) |
The appellants are husband and wife, and have been members of the Singapore Swimming Club (“the Club”), the respondent, since 1974 or 1975. The husband, Sim Yong Teng (“Sim”), was convicted on 12 October 2012 of several offences under the Securities and Futures Act (Cap 289, 2006 Rev Ed) (“the SFA”) including the offence of insider trading under s 218(2) of the SFA.
They appealed against the decision of the High Court Judge (“the Judge”) in Originating Summons No 144 of 2014 (“OS 144/2014”) in dismissing their application to set aside the decision of six members of the management committee of the Club for 2013/2014 made on 8 October 2013 (‘the 8/10/2013 Decision”) which suspended their membership of the Club pursuant to rule 15(d) of the Rules of the Singapore Swimming Club (“the Club Rules”).
At the conclusion of the hearing of the appeal on 2 November 2015, we allowed the appeal on the ground that the Judge erred in law in affirming the 8/10/2013 Decision. We now give our reasons for allowing the appeal.
BackgroundThe 8/10/2013 Decision was made pursuant to rule 15(d)(i) of the Club Rules which provided as follows:
The 3 April 2013 Decisionthen the membership of such member shall be suspended from the date of the occurrence of such event and the member shall forfeit all rights and claims upon the Club, its property, and funds.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the member shall have a grace period of 6 months to transfer his membership to a third party pursuant to Rule 7. In the event that the member fails to transfer his membership within the 6 months grace period, his membership shall cease on the expiry of the said period and he shall not be entitled to transfer his membership nor will he have any membership rights.
[emphasis added]
In a letter dated 19 October 2012,
MC 2012/2013 initially had a full complement of 11 elected and two co-opted members as permitted by the Club Rules. However, when it convened a meeting on 26 December 2012 to consider the complaint against Sim, two of the elected members had already resigned. Hence, only the remaining nine elected and two co-opted members attended that meeting.
Between 26 December 2012 and 27 March 2013, another three elected members of MC 2012/2013 resigned, leaving six elected members and two co-opted members on MC 2012/2013. Prior to the 27 March 2013 meeting, MC 2012/2013 obtained from the Club’s solicitors a legal opinion stating that the offence of insider trading involved an element of moral turpitude. On 27 March 2013, seven (five elected and two co-opted) of the remaining nine members met to discuss the matter. The president of MC 2012/2013, Chua Hoe Sing (“Chua”), invited the members present to consider Oon’s complaint and Sim’s defence, and also the legal opinion of the Club’s solicitors, in preparation for the hearing scheduled for 3 April 2013.
At the 3 April 2013 hearing, MC 2012/2013 consisted of six members (four elected and two co-opted), including Chua. We will hereafter refer to the six-member committee as “MC1”. After hearing Sim’s representations, MC1 unanimously decided that Sim’s conviction for insider trader involved moral turpitude, and therefore, fell within rule 15(d)(i) of the Club Rules. MC1 ordered that Sim’s membership and that of his wife be suspended as their memberships came under the category of “family membership” under the Club Rules which required the wife’s membership be suspended automatically upon the suspension of the husband’s membership.
Dissatisfied with MC1’s decision of 3 April 2013 (“the 3/4/2013 Decision”), Sim and his wife commenced court proceedings in Originating Summons No 572 of 2013 (“OS 572/2013”) on 28 June 2013 to set aside the 3/4/2013 Decision on the ground that it was null and void for,
A quorum for a meeting of the Management Committee shall not be less than one half of the total members in the Management Committee.
OS 572/2013 was also heard by the Judge and he reserved judgment. Before he delivered his judgment for OS 572/2013, a new management committee of the Club (“MC 2013/2014”) was constituted comprising namely: (1) Chua Hoe Sing, (2) William Lum, (3) Jonathan Wang, (4) David Chung, (5) Philip Chua, (6) Michael Ho, (7) Gope Ramchand, (8) Samuel Chong, (9) Joyce Chan, (10) Gerad Loo, (11) Krishnan Kashyap and (12) Gary Oon. Five members (listed Nos 1–5 above) were also members of MC1. Out of the twelve members, two were co-opted into MC 2013/2014 whereas the other ten were elected.
After MC 2013/2014 was constituted, Chua approached some members for their views on the 3/4/2013 Decision. Eight members of MC 2013/2014 (listed No 4–11) gave their views in letters signed by them dated 25 July 2013 (“25/7/2013 Letters”). All of them signed identical letters, except that paragraph 1 of Krishnan Kashyap’s letter was slightly different, indicating a common source with a common objective. Each statement read:
Krishnan Kashyap’s letter also contained an additional paragraph 3 which stated:
After obtaining these letters, Chua filed an affidavit dated 26 July 2013 in OS 572/2013 which annexed the 25/7/2013 Letters as exhibits. At para 30 of his affidavit, Chua stated:
In any event, I have asked the newly elected [MC 2013/2014] members as to what their decision would be having now reviewed the relevant documents in [Sim’s] case. Each of the newly elected [MC 2013/2014] members has confirmed that, having reviewed the records, he/she agrees with the [3/4/2013 Decision]. I have also asked Mr Krishan Kashyap, who has been part of the [MC 2012/2013] from May 2012 to date, but had not been present at the 3 April 2013 meeting, as to what his decision would be having reviewed the relevant documents, and also heard Sim in person at the [MC 2012/2013] meeting of 26 December 2012. He has also agreed with the [3/4/2013 Decision]. Copies of [the 25/7/2013 Letters] are annexed hereto and marked as “
CHS-4 ”. [emphasis added]
Chua’s initiative was of no avail. The Judge delivered judgment on 1 April 2015 in OS 572/2013 and declared the 3/4/2013 Decision null and void and set it aside on the ground that there had been a breach of natural justice.
The 8 October 2013 Decision After judgment in OS 572/2013 was delivered, MC 2013/2014 held a meeting on 12 September 2013 and decided to rehear the complaint against Sim. MC 2013/2014 also decided that those who were current members and who were also members of MC1 would not be part of the quorum of MC2.
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