Neo Man Lee v PP
Jurisdiction | Singapore |
Date | 1991 |
Year | 1991 |
Court | Court of Appeal (Singapore) |
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6 cases
Public Prosecutor v Lim Hock Hin given treatment on a regular basis for his illness whilst serving his sentence. Case(s) referred to Neo Man Lee v Public Prosecutor [1991] 2 MLJ 369 Public Prosecutor v Aloysius Joshi Carilman (CC 43/1999) (refd) Public Prosecutor v Dolah bin Omar (2001) 4 SLR 302 (refd) Public Prosecuto......
Public Prosecutor v Ng Kwok Soon
...should not even be considered in this case since the three conditions laid down in the Court of Criminal Appeal case of Neo Man Lee v PP [1991] 2 MLJ 369 are not satisfied". 31 Where the Charges under Section 408 of the Penal Code were concerned, the Accused had made full restitution of the......
Public Prosecutor v Kwok Teng Soon
...chronic schizophrenia and convicted and sentenced under s 304(a) of the Penal Code to life imprisonment, said ([1991] SLR 146 at 148; [1991] 2 MLJ 369 at 370): The deputy public prosecutor referred us to a report on sentencing from the Criminal Division of the Court of Appeal in England in ......
Public Prosecutor v Ng Kwok Soon
...should not even be considered in this case since the three conditions laid down in the Court of Criminal Appeal case of Neo Man Lee v PP [1991] 2 MLJ 369 are not satisfied". 31 Where the Charges under Section 408 of the Penal Code were concerned, the Accused had made full restitution of the......
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