Gee Hoe Chan Trading Company Pte Ltd, S'pore Cases
Jurisdiction | Singapore |
Judgment Date | 1991 |
Date | 1991 |
Year | 1991 |
Court | High Court (Singapore) |
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7 cases
Lim Chee Twang v Chan Shuk Kuen, Helina
...Ebrahimi v Westbourne Galleries Ltd [1973] AC 360 (refd) Elgindata Ltd, Re [1991] BCLC 959 (refd) Gee Hoe Chan Trading Co Pte Ltd, Re [1991] 3 MLJ 137 (refd) Grandactual, Re;Hough v Hardcastle [2005] EWHC 1415 (refd) Gross v Rackind, Re Citybranch Group Ltd [2005] 1 WLR 3505; [2004] 4 All E......
Re Eng Cheong Peng Kee Pte Ltd
...Ltd [1993] 2 SLR 523 . `Oppressive` means `burdensome, harsh & wrongful`, it also imports unfairness: Re Gee Hoe Chan Trading Pte Ltd [1991] 3 MLJ 137 [1991] SLR 837 . The term `interests` in s 216 is wider than rights: Re Sam Weller & Sons Ltd [1990] BCLC 80; and `"disregard" means somethi......
Low Peng Boon v Low Janie and Others and Other Appeals
...His Lordship`s pronouncements have been adopted and followed in our jurisdiction: see Re Gee Hoe Chan Trading Co Pte Ltd [1991] SLR 837 [1991] 3 MLJ 137 and Re Tri-Circle Investment Pte Ltd [1993] 2 SLR 523 . 44.It seem to us that the conduct of LPB and LKG looked at as a whole falls short ......
Re Eng Cheong Peng Kee Pte Ltd
...Ltd [1993] 2 SLR 523 . `Oppressive` means `burdensome, harsh & wrongful`, it also imports unfairness: Re Gee Hoe Chan Trading Pte Ltd [1991] 3 MLJ 137 [1991] SLR 837 . The term `interests` in s 216 is wider than rights: Re Sam Weller & Sons Ltd [1990] BCLC 80; and `"disregard" means somethi......
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1 firm's commentaries
[CORPORATE & COMMERCIAL DISPUTES] Removal Of Directors & Non-Payment Of Dividends ' Oppression Under Section 346 Companies Act 2016?
...Anor [2015] 7 MLJ 408 9. Zarimah binti Abdul Rahim & Anor v Zarifah binti Abdul Rahim [2020] MLJU 816 10. Re Gee Hoe Chan Trading Co Ltd [1991] 3 MLJ 137 The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your s......
2 books & journal articles
...See Kuah Kok Kim v. Cheong Lee Leong Seng Co (Pte) Ltd[1991] 2 MLJ 129 (Court of Appeal) and Re Gee Hoe Chan Trading Co Pte Ltd[1991] 3 MLJ 137 (High Court). 8 Ibid, at page 229. 9 See Report of the Select Committee on the Companies (Amendment) Bill 1986, page B90 column 180 paras 374 and 3......
...Tang Choon Keng Realty (Pte) Ltd v Tang Wee Cheng [1992] 2 SLR 1114, (High Court, Singapore). 42 In re Gee Hoe Chan Trading Co Pte Ltd [1991] 3 MLJ 137, (High Court, Singapore). 43 Re S Q Wong Holdings Pte Ltd [1987] 2 MLJ 298, (High Court, Singapore). 44 W Woon, “Protecting the Minority Sh......