The Law Reports (Singapore case law)
Ong Ah Chuan v Public Prosecutor
Fundamental rules of natural justice in the field of criminal law. Controlled drug. Offence of trafficking. Mandatory sentence of death
Jeyaratnam JB v The Law Society of Singapore
Statutory appellate criminal jurisdiction. Cheque charges. Accounts charges. Liability for costs. Disciplinary proceedings
Malayan Credit Ltd v Jack Chia-MPH Ltd
Joint tenants. Order for an equal partition of the premises. Proceeds of sale of the property. Credit company
Meng Leong Development Pte Ltd v Jip Hong Trading Co Pte Ltd
Order for damages. Right to appeal. Specific performance. Contract of purchase
Lai Wee Lian v Singapore Bus Services (1978) Ltd
Loss of future earnings. Damages for personal injuries. Total award. Multiplier of ten
Sundram Jaykumal v Public Prosecutor
Similar challenge. Leave to appeal. Constitutionality of ss. Evidence on oath
Haw Tua Tau and Another v Public Prosecutor
Procedure for the trial of criminal offences. Fundamental rule of natural justice. Give evidence
Mohamed Kunjo v Public Prosecutor
Offence of murder. Court of criminal appeal. Trial judges. Cause of death. Culpable homicide
Collector of Land Revenue v Hoalim
Constructive notice. State grant. Instrument for registration. Subject land. Second question. Compulsory acquisition
Raja's Commercial College v Gian Singh & Co Ltd
Appeal against the award of damages. Income tax
Wah Tat Bank Ltd and Others v Chan Cheng Kum
Damage by reason of a tort. Joint tortfeasors. Multiplicity of actions. Final judgment. Managing director. Law rule
Chung Khiaw Bank Ltd v United Overseas Bank Ltd
Judgment creditor. Priority over the rights of the appellants in the properties by the registration of the order of attachment. Assurance for valuable consideration. Writ of execution