JD Supra Singapore

JD Supra
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  • SIAC Releases New Arbitration Rules

    The rules will come into effect on 1 January 2025, aiming to enhance the overall efficiency and integrity of SIAC’s arbitration proceedings. On 9 December 2024, the Singapore International Arbitration Centre (SIAC) released its new SIAC Rules for 2025 (SIAC Rules 2025), which will come into effect on 1 January 2025.

  • Establishing a Business Entity in Singapore (Updated)

    Registration of Business Entities - Unless exempted, business entities must be registered with the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) via their business filing portal: BizFile+. A foreigner residing overseas would need to engage the services of a registered filing agent (for example, a law firm, accounting firm or corporate secretarial firm) to submit the online application on his behalf. Goodwins Law Corporation is a registered filing agent.

  • Singapore’s New Significant Investments Regime Comes Into Law

    The Significant Investments Review Bill (the Bill), introduced by the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI), was passed by parliament on 9 January 2023 and is likely to enter into force in mid to late 2024. The Bill aims to protect the national interests of Singapore by regulating significant investment in, and control of, critical entities.

  • Singapore’s New Significant Investments Regime

    The Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI) introduced the Significant Investments Review Bill (the Bill) to parliament on 6 November 2023. The Bill aims to protect the national interests of Singapore by regulating significant investment in, and control of, critical entities. Entities that are considered critical to Singapore’s national security will be designated under the regime and will be regulated accordingly. The Bill also provides scope for the Minister of Trade and Industry to review transactions involving entities that have acted against Singapore’s national interests, even if such entities are not designated under the Bill. Therefore, the scope of the proposed new legislation is not finite.

  • Singapore Expands Scope of Shareholders Excluded for Calculating Compulsory Acquisition Threshold

    New legislation strengthening the compulsory acquisition regulatory framework in the Companies Act 1967 is welcome news for minority shareholders. On 9 May 2023 the Parliament of Singapore passed the Companies, Business Trusts and Other Bodies (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill (the Bill), which, among other changes, excludes shares held by certain persons connected with the offeror from the computation of the 90% threshold for compulsory acquisition under section 215 of the Companies Act 1967 (the CA). The Bill is expected to come into law later this year. Please see full Alert below for more information.

  • Establishing A Business Entity In Singapore (Updated)

    Registration of Business Entities - Unless exempted, business entities must be registered with the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) via their business filing portal: BizFile+. A foreigner residing overseas would need to engage the services of a registered filing agent (for example, a law firm, accounting firm or corporate secretarial firm) to submit the online application on his behalf. Goodwins Law Corporation is a registered filing agent. Please see full Chapter below for more information.

  • Buying and Selling Real Estate in Singapore (Updated)

    KEY FACTS OF REAL ESTATE ACQUISITIONS UNDER SINGAPOREAN LAW - INTRODUCTION - There are two systems of land registration in Singapore: registration under the Registrations of Deeds Act, known as “unregistered land”, and registration under the Land Titles Act, known as “registered land”. Currently, most land in Singapore has been converted and brought under the latter registration system. As such, most of this article will be concerned only with land registered under the Land Titles Act. The entity overseeing the land registration in Singapore is the Singapore Land Authority (“SLA”). Please see full Chapter below for more information.

  • The Variable Capital Company (VCC): a new corporate structure for funds in Singapore (UPDATED)

    The Variable Capital Company (VCC) is a new corporate entity structure under which several collective investment schemes (whether open-end or closed-end) may be gathered under the umbrella of a single corporate entity and yet remain ring-fenced from each other. Please see Publication below for more information.

  • Singapore allows “No-Win, No-Fee” and “No-Win, Less-Fee” arrangements for arbitration and SICC proceedings from 4 May 2022

    Historically, Singaporean law prohibited third party funding arrangements and outcome-related fee structures (ORFS) such as “No-Win, No-Fee” or “No-Win, Less-Fee”. However, other common law jurisdictions, such as England and Wales and Australia, have relaxed their equivalent laws and now permit some third party funding and ORFS to some extent. Singapore took its first steps towards levelling the playing field when it legalised third party funding for arbitration and the Singapore International Commercial Court (SICC) proceedings in 2017 and 2021 respectively. However, the prohibitions on ORFS remained. Please see full Publication below for more information.

  • Establishing A Business Entity In Singapore (Updated)

    Registration of Business Entities - Unless exempted, business entities must be registered with the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) via their business filing portal: BizFile+. A foreigner residing overseas would need to engage the services of a registered filing agent (for example, a law firm, accounting firm or corporate secretarial firm) to submit the online application on his behalf. Goodwins Law Corporation is a registered filing agent. Upon successful registration, the business entity will be issued with a system-generated Unique Entity Number (UEN). The UEN is an identification number that all business entities need to use when transacting with government agencies. Please see full Chapter below for more information.

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